“Potomac Core’s insights invigorated our team. The impact beyond driving revenue was shifting our mindset and strategic plan from an inward focus to an outward focus, with an intended impact on member’s business outcomes.”

The Global Cold Chain Alliance serves as the focused voice of the Cold Chain Industry, representing 1,300 members in over 65 Countries. GCCA retained Potomac Core to provide strategic member engagement insight and guidance with an eye toward focusing the staff team to think through new opportunities to increase the association’s revenues.
Later in 2014, the organization conducted an offsite staff retreat and engaged Potomac Core to process board member input and build out a strawman strategic plan and key deliverables for the members. The final plan was approved by the Board of Directors in October 2015 and in the last year and a half the Association’s revenues have grown by 25%.
Potomac Core utilized Strategic Member Engagement research to center staff discussion and brainstorming around driving “member impact” and focusing on key member segments and member “Up-At-Night” issues (see below). Staff utilized the research and discussion to formulate several new strategies to grow revenues.
Utilizing board member rankings and interactive breakout group discussion, Potomac Core facilitated successful discussions leading to a completed “member business Outcome” focused strategic plan document (see below).