Accelerating Member Engagement
According to a recent CNBC post “earnings are expected to be down by some 4 percent year over year, that is an 8-percent reduction from previous estimates.” How does this or any financial news connect to Association member engagement? What happens today influences how executives make decisions about where to invest their precious time.
Is Member Satisfaction A Solution?
No, not really. Under the watchful eye of shareholders, investors, and regulators an executive continually seeks better operating margins and top line growth. Interest in the Association’s success, member benefits, products or services won’t get or keep their attention for long. Promotional materials including what “we do for you” doesn’t really matter either. And special discounts bring them in the front door this year and out the back door next year.
Members don’t really care about the association’s “outputs.” They only care about “outcomes” that address their business/ professional challenges and opportunities. Everything else is just noise.
Business Strategy Conversations
Engagement is not about an Association. Instead, it’s all about developing solutions that improve market and growth positioning, boosting operating performance, and recruiting and maintaining high performing talent. Having conversations about these issues and creating opportunities to share knowledge and develop solutions with other members can accelerate member engagement.
Long Term Positioning
There are no “one-trick” ponies when it comes to member engagement. Aligning the Association as a strategic partner is a long term strategy to:
- Focus volunteer leaders on the members’ success
- Facilitate Board strategic discussions about member objectives
- Discuss members’ external & operational challenges
Accelerating Member Engagement
Quarterly earnings reports, monetary policy, and the value of the dollar all matter. Aligning your Association as an external strategic partner to build solutions and solve problems can accelerate member engagement.
Free eBook “Accelerating Strategic Member Engagement” is available for all Association Executives at www.potomaccore.com.