Association Culture Change Is a Big Deal
As my colleague Beth Doolittle puts it, “Culture is not what we say it is, it is what it is.”

John M. Bernard, Culture of Innovation Author,
Chairman and Founder,
Mass Ingenuity
The Next Seven Weeks
I intend to strip away the mystery of culture and share with you what it is, what creates it, and how to change it in order to meet organizational goals.
Culture Matters
Culture is the great invisible hand, and that hand determines much of what is possible for Associations to achieve. But because it is invisible, shaping it is one of the great challenges of leadership.
Culture is Central
Most Associations’ cultures restrain rather than accelerate change. Obviously that won’t work if your organization must move more quickly and effectively. So, as leaders we must understand what causes culture in order to create the culture we need to prosper.
Dr. Peter Drucker, often called the father of modern management, is credited with having said, “Culture eats strategy for lunch.” That is one of the great truths about organizations. Culture, not the leaders, determines what is accepted and what is rejected. Culture decides which people will be accepted and successful and which ones will leave. Culture determines which ideas get implemented and which get dumped. And, culture determines if corporate strategy will even be given a chance to succeed.
Association Culture Change Is a Big Deal
We live at a time when all Associations – are facing demands for change that go well beyond any time in the past. Culture is central to organizational change because it determines the direction and pace at which it will be accepted.
Association Culture is a big deal. Why? Culture is a great lever of change and it’s mysterious. It’s mysterious because what moves it isn’t what you might think.
Next week, I will talk about the role culture plays in change. I’ll also share the primary tool that shapes culture and, therefore, can reshape it.