Web 2.0 is all about the conversation. We want to establish simple and important ground rules, that keep conversation away from shouting matches and discouraging others from entering into the fray.
Here is Potomac Core’s comments policy. By posting on this blog, you agree to the following:
1. You may comment without registering. You can login through platforms including OpenID, Twitter, Facebook or not at all.
2. You may post anonymously. We don’t recommend this, but you may do so. If abused the rule may be changed.
3. You may post follow up questions. If you have a question please post it on the Potomac Core blog.
4. You may disagree with views or posts. Debate is welcome. We ask that disagreements take shape in a respectful manner.
5. We reserve the right to delete comments. This is Potomac Core Consulting’s blog. If comments are off topic, disrespectful, threatening, libelous, abusive, harassing, threatening, , profane, offensive, false, misleading or encourages others to violate decorum or civility or any law, including intellectual property laws; or spam, an attempt to advertise, solicit, or otherwise promote goods and services. You may, if you wish, post a link to your site or your most recent blog post.
6. You retain ownership of your comments. We do not own your comments and Potomac Core expressly disclaim any and all liability that may result from them. By commenting on this site, you agree to retain all ownership rights in what you post here and that you will relieve Potomac Core Consulting from any liability that may result from these postings.
7. You grant Potomac Core Consulting a license to post your comments. This license is worldwide, irrevocable, nonexclusive, and royalty free. You grant us the right to store, use, transmit, display, publish, reproduce, and distribute your comments in any format, including but not limited to a blog, in a book, a video, or presentation.
Our goal is to host interesting, informative content and conversations with caring, honest and respectful people. we see our comments policy as reflecting this.