Ring in the age of Driverless Associations. It’s 2016 with Medical, and Pharmaceutical breakthroughs, Driverless cars, and industries that are busy producing a new wave of technological breakthroughs. Slow U.S. GDP Growth and modest improvement in Global Growth appear to be the bellwethers of even more technology advancements. These innovations help capture consumer imaginations, elevate company operating performance, and grow market share. Innovative Organizations who reach outside the box to help their member’s develop growth solutions can transform themselves into Driverless Associations.
Driverless Associations
What are Driverless Associations? They are organizations who:
- See themselves as strategic allies to the industries and professions they serve.
- Apply actionable data and research to develop industry solutions.
- Benchmark their effectiveness through industry and career performance.
What set the stage for Driverless Associations? In 2015 modest economic performance, disruptive innovation and record merger and acquisitions redefined the scope and purpose of Associations. As a result strategic plans focused on innovation and industry solutions surfaced:

Corey Rosenbusch, CAE, President and CEO, the Global Cold Chain Alliance launched a Board of Director’s approved strategic plan that is a blueprint for global growth in the refrigerated food supply chain. The plan includes specific goals, strategies, and growth performance indicators for the industry.
Brent McClendon, CAE, President and CEO, National Wooden Pallet and Container Association, NWPCA and his board devised a long range mission and vision through their strategic planning process. What followed was the development of a five-year budget providing a discussion point for the board around new product innovation and long-term university research funding.
Former, National Investor Relations Institute, NIRI, CEO Jeff Morgan, FASAE, CAE, now CEO of the Club Managers Association of America, CMAA, established an “incubator, venture capital type fund.” This level of investment helped NIRI launch its industry Certification Program. The program was a key part of the organization’s strategic plan.
Call to Action for Driverless Associations: 2016 Strategic Planning
Driverless Associations who abandon the traditional Association planning model are more likely to accelerate their market position against competitors. In today’s world evolving consumer attitudes and business trends require high level business strategy discussions with board members. Constructing an externally focused, and interactive planning process will align your organization with the industries that your organization serves:
- Meaningful board interviews which focus on long term business strategies.
- Surveys that measure your Association’s connection to business strategies and determine the solutions to move the needle in the marketplace.
- A final plan which includes specific business solutions, goals, strategies, costs, timelines, and performance measurements.
Alas its 2016, Driverless Associations are now the innovators, the business strategists, and the strategic partners. They view the dynamic global market as their next opportunity to drive and support industry and professional success.
Driverless Associations
As the marketplace redefines member expectations look for companies to gravitate to those organizations who move the needle for their industries. Happy New Year and welcome to the age of Driverless Associations.

Free eBook “Accelerating Strategic Member Engagement” is available upon request for all Association Executives at www.potomaccore.com