Associations are the ideal organizational model to leverage a culture of “we”. But this requires a shift from today’s association structures and processes that are primarily built to push out offerings. Today, staff are reinforced for their efficiency, not for working innovatively with members to create better solutions. Strategic Member Engagement requires aligning infrastructure at organizations including its culture, and resources.
“Up At Night” Issues
Members expect “line of sight” connections between what you are providing and their most critical “up at night” issues. This means that all employees must view themselves as collaborative partners, who, together with members, continually seek insights and new solutions that enhance the community’s success.
Members can sense when staff are in the boat rowing with them, versus standing on the shoreline; handing them an oar and conveying best wishes. Working together as innovators, staff and connected members provide resource fluidity and responsiveness to address rapidly changing member business priorities.
Associations and “We Focus”
Thom Dammrich, President & CEO of Chicago, Illinois based NMMA (National Marine Manufacturers Association), fosters a collaborative and we focused culture which helps the organization in terms of aligning its infrastructure. Moreover, the Association though its performance management system keeps performance focused on strategic outcomes which support member advocacy and market expansion.
Aligning Infrastructure
The successful association of the future will view its role as the stimulator, integrator, aggregator, curator, and enabler/facilitator; engaging members in ways that share and capture knowledge. Association communities will create innovative solutions to address their challenges and opportunities.
For many associations this requires that staff enhance their skill set, competencies, and cultural mind-set. Performance development, recognition, and rewards will focus on achieving member outcomes, not pushing outputs out the door on time. Staff need to know that members value their efforts.
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