Game Changing Accelerator

President & CEO


Game Changing Accelerator. How do you build a connected community that positions both your organization and your constituencies for long term success? Having a strategic board to help Associations connect and maintain the member outcome focus can be a game changing accelerator.

Strategic Boards 

game changing acceleratorThom Dammrich, President & CEO of Chicago, Illinois based NMMA (National Marine Manufacturers Association), utilizes his board to position the Association as a strategic partner driving industry results in the advocacy and business expansion arena. Industry Leaders and NMMA continue to collaborate to drive both industry and member success.

Like other successful Associations, NMMA also engaged a highly strategic board to effectively position itself as a “we focused solution community.” However, having the right skills sets and focus on your Association Board is essential, notes NMMA CEO Dammrich.

Strategic Boards with busy CEO’s insist upon the right focus and at times insist upon course corrections.


Focused On Industry Success

Strategic Board guidance and the organization’s focus on member success is proving to be a game changing accelerator of member engagement at NMMA.

Game Changing Accelerator

Very highly engaged boards who are strategic in focus and have a very high degree of understanding and strategizing about average member needs reflect two of six key capabilities that help drive Association Business Models. These Organizations report upward trending 3 year operating results, are far more likely to better understand member up-at-night issues, and engage members in acting upon those needs.

Free eBook “Accelerating Strategic Member Engagement” for Association Executives available upon request at www.potomaccore.comgame changing accelerator