Revenue Growth Interviews

Revenue Growth interviews. On a weekly basis, I will post web interviews with Association CEOs and Senior Executives who have best practices to help you achieve Revenue Growth. You can view these at any time. Potomac Core Consulting provides real time help CEO and Senior Executives by sharing engagement and growth ideas in real time.

Core Strategies Drives New Revenue Growth

Core Strategies Drives New Revenue Growth. Despite increasing competition, political turmoil in Washington, DC, and a slow growth economy Jeffrey D. Morgan, President and CEO, NIRI (National Institute of Investor Relations) reports impressive membership and revenue growth. He points to a “strong Board partnership, measureable member data, core strategies and strong execution” as essential ingredients to his Associations growth.

Video 1 Core Strategies and Actionable Data 


Video II Game Changer for NIRI Members


Video III Benchmarking


Social Media Connects Global Community

Social Media Connects Global Community.  Many Associations embrace Social Media in order to reach and effectively engage members. Those CEO’s incorporating social media with their overall engagement and incorporating business objectives achieve greater ROI. Through the Strategic Planning Process, the National Investor Relations Institute (NIRI) identified Social Media as an integral part of their strategy to build and reinforce its growing community of global Investor Relations Executives.

Video I Social Media Member Value Driver


Video II Social Media Connects NIRI Community


Video III Increasing Social Media Investment


Can Social Media Drive Revenue?

Can Social Media Drive Revenue? Yes, but not as a stand alone strategy.  Listening, engagement and connection to an Association’s overall strategy is what matters most says Digital Media Expert Jason Langsner. An established web communications professional, he’s accelerated engagement and more than multiplied online communities at B’nai Brith, Georgetown University Alumni Club of Metropolitan Washington, D.C. and TechAmerica.

Interview Part I Not Effective in a Vacuum


Interview Part II Listening Wins Online


Interview Part III Success = Engagement


Assessments Help CREFC’s Steve Renna Deliver Growth

Competitive forces and shrinking corporate profits compel today’s Association CEO to redefine relevance. At underperforming Associations this means reexamination of programs, staffing, advocacy and conferences.  For Stephen M. Renna, CEO of the Commercial Real Estate Finance Council, a thorough assessment and alignment process opened the door to engaging his members and a stronger value proposition for his organization.

Interview Part I


Interview Part II


Interview Part III
