Arlington, Virginia, January 11, 2022 – Reimagining Industry Growth, an insightful new book on how to tap into the potential of strategic partnerships with industry associations, is slated for release by Wiley Publishing tomorrow, January 12, 2022. The book provides an overview of strategic partnerships, how they work, and how they can be applied to industry relationships with trade associations. Daniel A. Varroney is the book’s author, and he is the President and CEO of Potomac Core, a strategic consulting firm that specializes in association transformation and industry focused strategic partnerships.
Reimagining Industry Growth: Groundbreaking New Book
Arlington, Virginia, September 16, 2021 – Reimagining Industry Growth, an insightful new book on how to tap into the potential of strategic partnerships with industry associations, is slated for release by Wiley Publishing on January 12, 2022. The book offers a blueprint on how to harness the power of leading industry associations as strategic partners. Executives, managers, business leaders of all kinds, business students and professors, and association executives will find the book enlightening. Daniel A. Varroney is the book’s author and is the founder of Potomac Core – Association Consulting, the northern Virginia strategic consulting firm that specializes in association transformation and building industry and association strategic partnerships.
Post Covid-19 Trade Association Strategic Imperative: Build Core Strengths Beyond Federal-level Advocacy, Representation, and Legislation

A groundbreaking survey among 117 trade association executives surfaces new and significant opportunities for Trade Associations in a Post Covid-19 world. Actionable data about how organizations can build their strategic imperative and position for long term growth and success is uncovered through a collaborative survey conducted by Arlington, Virginia based Potomac Core – Association Consulting and Edge Research. It showed the need for trade associations to be nimble, a member resource, industry promoter, and collaborator with stakeholders within each industry.
Podcasts: Why Members Hire Associations
Why Members Hire Associations – Potomac Core Consulting is pleased to announce that its President & CEO, Dan Varroney is being featured in a series of three podcast episodes. The series is part of a re brand of the weekly podcast series by renowned author JP Moery, President & Founder of the Moery Company.